速報APP / 健康塑身 / Blood Members Nepal

Blood Members Nepal





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




Blood Members Nepal(圖1)-速報App

Blood Members Nepal is the program initiated by Blood Donors Association Nepal , Club 25 Nepal, Digital Agency Catmandu and Fulpati Group. The main target of this application is to find the blood donors when needed. No one does have to panic to search blood during scarcity in blood banks. Our huge database will serve you as a good volunteer in finding the blood donors.

In the new feature Chahiyo you can make a Chahiyo request so that the available donors can reach you.The request in the Chahiyo section will also be shared through our facebook page "Club 25 Nepal" .

Blood Members Nepal(圖2)-速報App

We had came with an theme of "Blood Bank in you finger tips".

The database we have are with the consent of the donors.

Blood Members Nepal(圖3)-速報App

Please register and make the database huge and be a hero.

Your one pint of blood can save three lives.

Blood Members Nepal(圖4)-速報App

Thank you

Blood Members Nepal(圖5)-速報App